Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Tale Story of Farnearland

         In the far near land there is one group of people who believed and curse other ppl to believed them were nice ppl. In this group of " nice" ppl there is a warrior with silver sword. He is nice and a very brave man, he always speak the truth protected other good ppl. This warrior in nice group of ppl always polished his sword. This shining sword always disturbed lazy and stupid ppl in this nice group who always sleep and did nothing in their day one of lazy stupidest man and this group asked their leader to take away the sword from this warrior with the reason this warrior try to make them blind with the shine of his sword more worst he try to hurt them with that, and he no have no manners always shining the sword without proper manner and without care so much lazy people without considerate lazy ppl in this group who just know to sleep as their best skill ever!!! how no manner he  was!!
             So the leader go to discuss for the sake of a good name of nice people. the sword have been taken from this warrior and the warrior was expelled from this group.The leader said we do not  need people like this! always disturbed stupid and lazy group  in our group!!! we will replace with another warrior who know to obey when to polished without disturbing other stupid , lazy people in our group!! we must think also how this stupid lazy ppl feel, we must care so much their feeling, they are our bigbone means so much to us dun ya know after that there were no warrior be place, the place was replaced with man who  ordered to make sure the bed was so comfort to this stupid lazy ppl to sleep. the sword was taken by the stupidest and lazy ppl in this group. He said I will put this sword at my wall. i will take care this sword. even he never mean it. he just worried the shining of the sword can disturbed he and all the lazy and stupidest man in this group from having a good the think why can i get back  that silver sword? but to take care his reputation he say it ok with that what ever it is..leader now have no warrior to protect others, but he seem ok no problem at all, this is happy ending story he said....outside other good ppl were regret what was happen and worried there no more warrior will help them after this, they feel worried and sad.but the  leader positively said what for your sad face!  do not worry,  we have other fun actvity to do after this like doing sport!!! , yeahh lets play games and have fun!!!
the story end..

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